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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Definisi UML

06.01.00 // by Adi Sulistyo Nugroho // // No comments


Unified Modelling Language (UML) adalah sebuah "bahasa" yg telah menjadi standar dalam industri untuk visualisasi, merancang dan mendokumentasikan sistem piranti lunak.
-         Dengan UML dapat dibuat model untuk semua jenis aplikasi piranti lunak, dapat berjalan pada piranti keras, sistem operasi dan jaringan apapun, serta ditulis dalam bahasa pemrograman apapun. 
-          UML cocok untuk penulisan piranti lunak dalam bahasa-bahasa berorientasi objek seperti C++, Java, C# atau VB.NET dapat juga digunakan untuk modeling aplikasi prosedural dalam VB atau C.
-         UML mendefinisikan notasi dan syntax/semantik.
Notasi UML : Sekumpulan bentuk khusus untuk menggambarkan berbagai diagram piranti lunak. Setiap bentuk memiliki makna tertentu, dan UML syntax mendefinisikan bagaimana bentuk-bentuk tersebut dapat dikombinasikan.
Notasi UML terutama diturunkan dari 3 notasi yang telah ada sebelumnya: Grady Booch OOD (Object-Oriented Design), Jim Rumbaugh OMT (Object Modeling Technique), dan Ivar Jacobson OOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering).
Diantaranya adalah: metodologi booch [1], metodologi coad [2], metodologi OOSE [3], metodologi OMT [4], metodologi shlaer-mellor [5], metodologi wirfs-brock [6], dsb.

UML Notasi

Introduction to OOAD

03.54.00 // by Adi Sulistyo Nugroho // // No comments

Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a popular technical approach for analyzing, designing an application, system, or business by applying the object-oriented paradigm and visual modeling throughout the development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality.
According to the popular guide Unified Process, OOAD in modern software engineering is best conducted in an iterative and incremental way. Iteration by iteration, the outputs of OOAD activities, analysis models for OOA and design models for OOD respectively, will be refined and evolve continuously driven by key factors like risks and business value.


In the early days of object-oriented technology before the mid-1990s, there were many different competing methodologies for software development and object-oriented modeling, often tied to specific Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool vendors. No standard notations, consistent terms and process guides were the major concerns at the time, which degraded communication efficiency and lengthened learning curves.
Some of the well-known early object-oriented methodologies were from and inspired by gurus such as Grady BoochJames RumbaughIvar Jacobson (the Three Amigos), Robert MartinPeter CoadSally ShlaerStephen Mellor, and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock.
In 1994, the Three Amigos of Rational Software started working together to develop the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Later, together with Philippe Kruchten and Walker Royce (eldest son of Winston Royce), they have led a successful mission to merge their own methodologies, OMTOOSE and Booch method, with various insights and experiences from other industry leaders into the Rational Unified Process (RUP), a comprehensive iterative and incremental process guide and framework for learning industry best practices of software development and project management. Since then, the Unified Process family has become probably the most popular methodology and reference model for object-oriented analysis and design.

Object-oriented analysis

The purpose of any analysis activity in the software life-cycle is to create a model of the system's functional requirements that is independent of implementation constraints.
The main difference between object-oriented analysis and other forms of analysis is that by the object-oriented approach we organize requirements around objects, which integrate both behaviors (processes) and states (data) modeled after real world objects that the system interacts with. In other or traditional analysis methodologies, the two aspects: processes and data are considered separately. For example, data may be modeled by ER diagrams, and behaviors by flow charts or structure charts.
The primary tasks in object-oriented analysis (OOA) are:
  • Find the objects
  • Organize the objects
  • Describe how the objects interact
  • Define the behavior of the objects
  • Define the internals of the objects
Common models used in OOA are use cases and object modelsUse cases describe scenarios for standard domain functions that the system must accomplish. Object models describe the names, class relations (e.g. Circle is a subclass of Shape), operations, and properties of the main objects. User-interface mockups or prototypes can also be created to help understanding.

Object-oriented design

During object-oriented design (OOD), a developer applies implementation constraints to the conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis. Such constraints could include the hardware and software platforms, the performance requirements, persistent storage and transaction, usability of the system, and limitations imposed by budgets and time. Concepts in the analysis model which is technology independent, are mapped onto implementing classes and interfaces resulting in a model of the solution domain, i.e., a detailed description of how the system is to be built on concrete technologies.
Important topics during OOD also include the design of software architectures by applying architectural patterns and design patterns with object-oriented design principles.

Justice League, kebangkitan Superman-kah?

03.32.00 // by Adi Sulistyo Nugroho // // No comments

Superman New 52
Pada tahun 2013, Superman kembali bangkit dari keterpurukan di film Superman Returns (2006). Para fans dari Man of Steel merasa kecewa dikarenakan tokoh ini bukannya sibuk untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari penjahat super malah sibuk berasmara dengan Lois Lane, apalagi sang pemeran Superman yaitu Brandon Routh tidak mampu menyaingi kharisma dari pemeran Superman yang legendaris, Christoper Reeve. Superman Returns betul-betul gagal total. Dan, setelah beberapa nyaris bangkit baru pada tahun tersebut, Superman yang diperankan oleh Henry Cavill bangkit dari keterpurukan.

Kesuksesan Man of Steel membuat produser dan sutradara membuat sequel yang uniknya tokoh Superman dipertemukan dengan dua tokoh pahlawan lainnya yaitu Batman dan Wonder Woman dalam film yang berjudul "Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice."

Setelah baku bantam akibat diadu-domba oleh Lex Luthor, akhirnya Batman dan Superman plus Wonder Woman bersatu untuk menghadapi penjahat super tangguh bahkan lebih tangguh daripada Superman itu sendiri, Doomsday. Dalam perjuangan mencegah bumi hancur khususnya Amerika, Superman mengorbankan dirinya untuk mati bareng dengan Doomsday.

Welcome Back Spider-Man...Selamat Datang Kembali Spider-Man...

00.16.00 // by Adi Sulistyo Nugroho // // No comments

Spider-Man : Home Coming (2017)
Setelah kegagalan pada film sebelumnya yang berjudul The Amazing Spider-Man, pada tahun ini, tepatnya tanggal 07 Juli 2017...Kembali Spider-Man menemui penggemarnya, kali ini tokoh Spider-Man alias Peter Parker diperankan oleh Tom Holland.

Sebenarnya tokoh Spider-Man sempat dimunculkan sebagai cameo dalam film Captain America : Civil War sebagai perkenalan belaka.


Entahlah...Karena kembali Spider-Man ini akan menghadapi tantangan yang berat dari pihak DC yang bakal merilis Justice League dan Wonder Woman...

Dan, tentunya apakah Tom Holland akan lebih besar daripada Tobey Maguire dan Andrew Garfield atau sebaliknya lebih kecil karena berpeluang gagal di pasaran...atau biasa-biasa saja...tidak lebih besar dan tidak lebih kecil...hanya kembali modal belaka.